Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Welcome Back....


Dah lama dah aku tak update blog nie...really the busy..mcm mcm yg berlaku since past 2 years nie....
Anak pun dah besar...Adam Dah 7 years...Qiqi dah 5 years...and Rayyan dah 3 years....shud post new photo la...

jeng jeng...niela gambar terbaru dari kami...masa nie hongkong trip last year 28 november - 3 December 2013.. The main purpose pergi sana nak bwk my 3 angels pegi Disneyland la...mana lagik...the important thing,...the havng so much fun there,,,and mummy and daddy dia..MasyaAllah...sgt penat melayan kerenah diorang nie...nasib baik la the weather is cold...so takdela merengek sgt...throwback session katanya..

Now, back to reality...now in Bangi/KL..Haze sedang melanda dggn hebatnyer.. Hai nie indeks kualiti udara mencatatkan bacaan 184..it's means UNHEALTHY...semalam adam and qiqi tak pegi sekolah...Hari nie..qiqi..mummy hantar ke sekolah..since sekolah dia pun fully aircond..shud be no problem for her...yg problem nyer Adam danish la..Pagi..dia pegi sekolah agama..but somewhere around 11am i've called home..and tell bibik that Adam don't have to go to Sekolah kebangsaan. When i called Adam..since like his not agreed. He insist want to go to school...sampai merajuk lagi...so i and my hubby need to explain why ...
finally...he's OK...Since ..petang tadi dah hujan...shud be the Haze is getting better tomorrow....kita tunggu esok yer...

For me..i still working at Maybank lagik...belum nak bergajak lagik..why?..maybe still loyal lagik..or takde company yg nak hired i...hehhehe...ada jgk try...tp takder rezei lagi...Maybe at this moment Maybank still the best for me...

Ok la..dah penat dah..esok sambung yer..hehhehe...